I.A. Kahwa
Dean, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., Dar es Salam
Ph.D., Louisiana
Professor (Inorganic)
Research Interests
We have research interest in polynuclear compounds
of lanthanide(III), p- and d-block ions with potential
biomedical, extractive metallurgical and catalytic applications.
Their preparation, structures and luminescence spectroscopy and
decay dynamics as well as electron paramagnetic resonance
behavior are the main focus. Lasers ( 1J YAG and 1 mJ nitrogen
and their matching dye lasers) along with a helium refrigerator,
luminescence spectrometer and accompanying electronics are the
major instrumentation. Ligands of interest are aromatic Schiff's
bases, crown ethers, phthalamates and alkylamine dendrimers and
their derivatives.
We also have interests in solid waste and
environmental pollution, especially asbestos waste. Waste
disposal, polluted sites, their public health effects and policy
issues are of interest.
Selected Publications
- I A Kahwa, C.A.Duncan, E.P.Copeland, A.Quick, D.J.Williams,
"Unusual formation and crystal structure of a new stable
dinuclear vanadium (V) amino-imino-acetal". Journal of the
Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 1997, 917.
- I A Kahwa, E P Copeland, J.T.Mague and G.L.McPherson, "A
novel mixed-valence vanadium(IV/V) molecule exhibiting unusual
electron delocalization over the
[V2O3]3+ core", Journal of
the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 1997, 2849.
- I A Kahwa, N.F.Fender, F.R.Fronczek, V.John, and
G.L.McPherson, "The preparation, structures and unusual
luminescence characteristics of supramolecular
[TlBr4]2(A = Rb,K; M = Mn, Zn) complexes",
Inorganic Chemistry 1997, 37, 5539.
- I A Kahwa, D.M.Y. Barrett, B. Radüchel, A.J.P.White and
D.J.Williams, "Hydrolytic products of diphthalimidodiethylamine
and temperature independent sensitized luminescence of their
lanthanide(III) complexes", Journal of the Chemical Society,
Perkin Transactions 2, 1998, 1851.
- I A Kahwa, A.S. Gajadhar-Plummer, A.J.P.White and
D.J.Williams, "Chemistry of rare earth hypoco-ordinated cluster
cations: Formation of novel oxoacetate clusters", Inorganica
Chimica Acta 1998, 281, 201.
- I A Kahwa, H.O.N.Reid, A.J.P.White and D.J.Williams, "Intense
photosensitized emission from stoichiometric compounds featuring
Mn2+ in seven and eight coordination environments",
Inorganic Chemistry 1998, 37,
- I A Kahwa, R.C.Howell, K.V.N.Spence, and D.J.Williams, "
Structure and luminescence of the neutral dinuclear
lanthanide(III) complexes [Ln(api)]2", Journal of
the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 1998,
- I A Kahwa, N.S.Fender, A.J.P. White and D.J.Williams,
"Extraordinary bromide anion templated self assembly of the
[(Na(15C5))4Br]3- trication", Journal of the
Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 1998,
- I A Kahwa, D.M.Y.Barrett, and J.T.Mague, "One pot atmospheric
carbon dioxide fixation and nitrate anion inclusion in
cylindrical micropores of resulting lanthanide(III) oxalates",
New Journal of Chemistry 1998, 919.
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