Roy B.R. Porter
Research Interests
Phytochemicals from Jamaican folklore medicinal plants and their biological activity.
Identification of the constituents of Essential Oils from local aromatic folklore medicinal plants.
Anti-oxidant activities of Jamaican plant extracts
Selected Publications
- M. Bakir, D. Biggs, A. Lough, W. Mulder, W. Reynolds and R.B.R. Porter,
"7-Acetyl-12-methoxyhorminone from Jamaican Hyptis verticillata (Labiate)",
Acta Cryst. 2006, E62, 306-308.
- P.C. Facey, R.B.R. Porter, P.B. Reese and L.A.D. Williams, "Biological
activity and Chemical composition of the Essential Oil from Jamaican Hyptis
verticillata Jacq.", J. Agric. Food Chem. 2005, 53, 4774-4777.
- M. Bakir, P. Facey, I. Hassan, W. Mulder and R.B.R. Porter, "Mikanolide from
Jamaican Mikania micrantha", Acta Cryst. 2004, C60, 798-800.
- M. Bakir, O. Green, C. Gyles, B. Mangaroo and R.B.R. Porter,
"Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and optosensing properties of di-2-thienylketone
p-nitrophenylhydrazone (DSKNPK) in non-aqueous media", Talanta, 2004, 62, 781-789.
- L.A.D. Williams, E. Vasques, W. Reid, R.B.R. Porter and W. Kraus,
"Biological activity of a leaf surface extrudes extract of Cleome viscosa
(Capparaceae)", Naturwissenshaften, 2003, 90 (10) , 468-472.
- R.B.R. Porter, W.A. Gallimore and P.B. Reese,
"Steroid transformation with Exophiala jeanselmei var. lecaniicorni
and Ceratocystis paradoxa", Steroids, 1999, 64, 770-779.
- R.B.R. Porter, P.C. Facey, K.O. Pascoe and A.D. Jones,
"Investigation of Jamaican folk-medicine for anti-bacterial activity",
Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999, 51, 1455-1460.
- R.B. Porter, P. B. Reese, "Characterization of a Flavonol and
Several Lignans from Hyptis verticillata", Jamaican
Journal of Science and Technology, 1998, 9, 17-27.
- R.B. Porter, P. B. Reese, L.A. D. Williams and D. J.
Williams, "Acaricidal and Insecticidal Activities of Cadina-4,
10(15)-dien-3-one", Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 735.
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The Department of Chemistry, University of the West Indies,
Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica.
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