Class of Compound | Functional Group | Wavenumber (cm-1) |
Alcohol | O-H | 3650 - 3200 |
Acid | O-H | 3300 - 2500* |
Phenol | O-H | 3600 - 3000* |
Acid | C=O | 1725 - 1700** |
Ketone | C=O | 1725 - 1705** |
Aldehyde | C=O | 1740 - 1720** |
Ester | C=O | 1750 - 1730** |
Amide | C=O | 1690 - 1680** |
Primary amine | N-H (stretch) | (about 3500 and 3300)# |
N-H (deform) | 1650 - 1580 | |
Secondary amine | N-H (stretch) | 3450 - 3300 |
N-H (deform) | 1650 - 1550 | |
Aromatic | C=C (stretch) | 1600 |
Alkene | C=C (stretch) | 1680 - 1620## |
** Conjugation of the carbonyl group with a p electron system lowers the carbonyl absorption frequency so a,b-unsaturated and aromatic carbonyls absorb at lower frequencies.
# Two bands.
## Bands are often very weak.
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