CHEM1902 Main Group Chemistry
Tutorial 2 - 2015
Prof Robert J. Lancashire

Short Answer Questions

1. Hydrogen has only 1 proton but its first ionization energy is much greater than that of lithium, which has three protons. Explain.

2. Outline the differences between ortho- and para- hydrogen. How can you isolate each of these forms in a pure state?

3. How can you prepare hydrogen in the laboratory?

4. Where is the best location for hydrogen in the Periodic Table, at the top of Group 1 or Group 17?

5. Account for the fact that the Alkali metal hydrides are much less stable than their chlorides.

6. Show how metal hydride compounds can be used in synthetic Organic chemistry reactions, e.g for treating carbonyls and esters.

7. Classify NaH, CH4 and HCl as covalent or saline hydrides and explain how the reaction of each of these with water illustrates different aspects of the chemistry of hydrogen.

8. The boiling points of the hydrogen halides follow the trend: HF(20 °C) > HCl (-85 °C) < HBr(-67 °C) < HI(-36 °C). Explain.

9. Place the following series of compounds in order of increasing covalent character:
     i) BeCl2, BI3, LiF.
     ii) Na2S, NaCl, Na3P.
Explain your reasoning.

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Copyright © 2015 by Robert John Lancashire, all rights reserved.

Created and maintained by Prof. Robert J. Lancashire,
The Department of Chemistry, University of the West Indies,
Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica.
Created November 2014. Links checked and/or last modified 9th February 2015.